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"Through many encounters, my interests expanded."

古石 華子
Hanako Koseki
At time of selection: Okinawa AMICUS International Middle School, 1st Year / Present: Tokyo Metropolitan Hibiya High School, 1st Year


"Since I was a child, I have been interested in space."



I applied to Ryukyufrogs for two reasons. First, I wanted to go to Silicon Valley in the U.S., one of the world's leading centers for space exploration. Since I was a child, I have wanted to become an astronaut and start a space restaurant, and I wanted to work for NASA and JAXA in the future. In the midst of this, I learned that the field of work in space is much wider than it used to be. Instead of relying on the power of the country, there are entrepreneurs who are building their own space business companies, launch satellites and rockets, not to mention travel in space, and send humans to Mars, like Eilon Musk. I was thrilled to learn from reading books and the Internet that many space business pitches were being made every day in Silicon Valley, the center of the world's space business, and that new ideas were being generated. If I had the chance, I wanted to go directly to Silicon Valley and get a feel for the front air of space business.
My other reason was to test my English skills. I was able to pass the First Grade of the English Proficiency Test when I was in the sixth year of elementary school, but at that time my use of English tended to be limited to a limited number of places, such as at school, with familiar people in my daily life, and for examinations. If you are selected as a Frogs student, you will have the opportunity to present and discuss your ideas and services in English with frontline entrepreneurs and researchers you have never met before at the business front in Silicon Valley. I thought that by working hard in a tough environment, I would be able to break away from the limited English I had been given and see how well I could do in front of English-fluent people in the U.S., the home of English, touch the leading edge of business and at the same time improve my English skills.

What changed the most in my six months of training was my view of what it means for humans to "go to space" or "live in space." I think that was the biggest change.
This may be a quite exaggerated expression, but after the 6-month training, the boundary between “space” and “earth” vanished in my mind.
Before the training, "living in space" and "eating in space" were all far-fetched from our daily lives, and that is why it was such an appealing theme for developing a service, and I wanted to think about it on my own. However, through my training in Silicon Valley and encounters with various experts, I strongly felt that in the actual space business world, everything from going to space to living there is already feasible. This is one of the reasons why I felt that the boundary between "space" and "earth" had vanished in the first place.
Another interesting fact that I realized was that thinking about food in space can be applied to solving the food problems on Earth today. In other words, thinking about "space" means thinking about "the earth." Therefore, it is natural to say that the reverse is also true, that thinking about “the earth” means thinking about “space.”
When I realized that, my vision, in which all I had in mind was about "space," seemed to expand all at once. That is when I became interested in "how the human body works when eating food." From there, I began to want to learn more about the human body - cells, nerves, the brain, and so on. Everything on earth is connected to space. When I started to think like that, I felt that something was opening up to me more and more, so that I could poke my nose into whatever I was interested in, research it, learn about it, and try it out.


"Now I want to learn more."

今取り組んでいる活動は勉強です。高校入試を控えた受験生だったということもあります。自分の中で「宇宙」と「地球」の境目がなくなったとき、「まず今は、学校の勉強や興味があるテーマをガンガン掘ることを頑張ろう」という結論に達しました。そして、受験勉強と並行しながら、学校の英語スピーチコンテストや個人研究発表、また、学校外での様々なセミナーに参加するなど、今できることを精一杯やってきました。4月からは高校生です。LEAP DAYで誓ったように、これからも行動することを大切に、1日1日を大事に過ごしていきたいと思っています。

I applied to Ryukyufrogs for two reasons. First, I wanted to go to Silicon Valley in the U.S., one of the world's leading centers for space exploration. Since I was a child, I have wanted to become an astronaut and start a space restaurant, and I wanted to work for NASA and JAXA in the future. In the midst of this, I learned that the field of work in space is much wider than it used to be. Instead of relying on the power of the country, there are entrepreneurs who are building their own space business companies, launch satellites and rockets, not to mention travel in space, and send humans to Mars, like Eilon Musk. I was thrilled to learn from reading books and the Internet that many space business pitches were being made every day in Silicon Valley, the center of the world's space business, and that new ideas were being generated. If I had the chance, I wanted to go directly to Silicon Valley and get a feel for the front air of space business.
My other reason was to test my English skills. I was able to pass the First Grade of the English Proficiency Test when I was in the sixth year of elementary school, but at that time my use of English tended to be limited to a limited number of places, such as at school, with familiar people in my daily life, and for examinations. If you are selected as a Frogs student, you will have the opportunity to present and discuss your ideas and services in English with frontline entrepreneurs and researchers you have never met before at the business front in Silicon Valley. I thought that by working hard in a tough environment, I would be able to break away from the limited English I had been given and see how well I could do in front of English-fluent people in the U.S., the home of English, touch the leading edge of business and at the same time improve my English skills.

What changed the most in my six months of training was my view of what it means for humans to "go to space" or "live in space." I think that was the biggest change.
This may be a quite exaggerated expression, but after the 6-month training, the boundary between “space” and “earth” vanished in my mind.
Before the training, "living in space" and "eating in space" were all far-fetched from our daily lives, and that is why it was such an appealing theme for developing a service, and I wanted to think about it on my own. However, through my training in Silicon Valley and encounters with various experts, I strongly felt that in the actual space business world, everything from going to space to living there is already feasible. This is one of the reasons why I felt that the boundary between "space" and "earth" had vanished in the first place.
Another interesting fact that I realized was that thinking about food in space can be applied to solving the food problems on Earth today. In other words, thinking about "space" means thinking about "the earth." Therefore, it is natural to say that the reverse is also true, that thinking about “the earth” means thinking about “space.”
When I realized that, my vision, in which all I had in mind was about "space," seemed to expand all at once. That is when I became interested in "how the human body works when eating food." From there, I began to want to learn more about the human body - cells, nerves, the brain, and so on. Everything on earth is connected to space. When I started to think like that, I felt that something was opening up to me more and more, so that I could poke my nose into whatever I was interested in, research it, learn about it, and try it out.



It all comes down to the power of the "people"


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